Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Boise City, Ada County, Idaho

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Boise City, Ada County, Idaho

A portion of the 1893 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Boise City, Idaho, sheet 11. The Boise City National Bank lies on the far-right lower corner, labeled “Bank,” facing East Eighth Street at the bottom and West Idaho Street to the right. Writing at the bottom center “I.O.O.F. Block,” potentially indicates the block’s popular name, as their hall existed in a complex left of City National. The red coloring designates brick construction, while the blue border wrapping around the property specifies a stone façade.

| Source: Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Boise City, Ada County, Idaho. Sanborn Map Company, Jan 1893. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.,0.096,0.722,0.563,0
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