Filed Under The Environment

Sabotage at the Arizona Snow Bowl, 1987

After an eco terrorist fringe organization orchestrated attacks on an Arizona ski resort and power plants throughout the Southwest, FBI undercover agents spent years infiltrating the group.

On the morning of November 7, 1987, members of the eco terrorist group EMETIC carried out an attack on the Fairfield Snow Bowl Ski Resort north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Using propane torches, they cut through cables that supported the main ski lift. The resort was closed in preparation for its winter opening, and the sabotage resulted in no casualties. Snow Bowl officials estimated damages at $26,0000 with an additional $30,000 spent on added security measures. Employees at the Snow Bowl received a computer-generated letter from EMETIC taking credit for the attack. The letter warned to either discontinue ski operations and allow trees to grow back or suffer another sabotage, also referencing that development encroached on sacred indigenous land. On October 25, 1988, a similar attempt occurred. An EMETIC member used a torch to cut through a main support for the cable lift, then called into a local radio station claiming responsibility.

EMETIC (Evan Mecham Eco Terrorist International Conspiracy) was a group comprised of individuals from Prescott, Arizona associated with the Earth First! environmental group. The group's name served as a sarcastic reference to right-wing then-governor of Arizona Evan Mecham. Although they had participated in EF! activities, members of EMETIC believed much more radical direct action was necessary to protect the planet. In 1989, the group plotted to cut electrical transmission lines to nuclear power stations in Arizona, Colorado, and California. On the night of May 30, the FBI arrested three members of EMETIC while they were doing a test run of cutting down a power line tower of the Central Arizona Project canal. Early the next morning, agents arrested EF! co-founder Dave Foreman in connection to the conspiracy. The FBI indicted a fourth EMETIC member six months later. In 1991, federal courts convicted the ecoterrorists of the attack on the Snow Bowl and planned attacks on the nuclear power plants. Foreman’s charges were separated and later dropped to a misdemeanor, as it was apparent that he was not connected to the ecoterrorist activities.

After the 1987 Snow Bowl incident, the Federal Bureau of Investigation launched THERMCON, an operation to investigate Earth First! in Arizona. Between 1987 and 1989, undercover agents infiltrated EMETIC and monitored ecoterrorist activity. Ron Fraizer, a friend of the group, worked as a paid informant for the FBI in that time. Agents secretly recorded hundreds of hours of conversations with activists. Following the arrests, Earth First! members accused the FBI of attempting to undermine their organization by connecting their leaders to extremist activity. EF! leader Judi Bari alleged that the FBI undercover agents entrapped the members of EMETIC and unsuccessfully tried to convince them to use explosives in sabotage, which agents repeatedly offered to supply. Michael Fain, the undercover agent who infiltrated the group, was allegedly caught on tape saying they needed to bust Dave Foreman to send a message. However, the federal government continued to emphasize the danger of eco terrorist groups and the necessity of operations like THERMCON for national safety.


Fall Color Scenic Skyride at the Arizona Snowbowl
Fall Color Scenic Skyride at the Arizona Snowbowl EMETIC sabotaged the Agassiz ski lift at Snow Bowl in Flagstaff to protest further development, causing thousands in damages. Source: "Fall Color Scenic Skyride at the Arizona Snowbowl" Deborah Lee Soltesz. Credit U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forerst. 14 October 2017.
Snowy San Francisco Peaks
Snowy San Francisco Peaks EMETIC referenced protection of the San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff as motivation for its terrorism. The Peaks are sacred to the indigenous tribes in the region. Source: "Snowy San Francisco Peaks" Martin Ely. 25 December 2010.
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station near Phoenix was a target in EMETIC’s plan to cut electrical lines. The attack was prevented by an FBI sting operation. Source: "Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station" Cuhlik. 7 April 2010.



Emily Roth, Northern Arizona University, “Sabotage at the Arizona Snow Bowl, 1987,” Intermountain Histories, accessed October 18, 2024,